
The isoelectric pH of γ-globulin, human serum albumin (HSA), ribonuclease (RNAase) and hen egg lysozyme (HEL) are 6.6,4.9,7.8 and 11.0 respectively. The order in which these proteins will be eluted from a CM cellulose ion exchange column by an increasing salt gradient at pH 7.0 would be?

(A) HSA, γ - globulin, RNAase and HEL

(B) HEL, RNAase, γ-globulin, HAS

(C) HEL, γ-globulin, RNAase, HSA

(D) HSA, RNAase, HEL, γ – globulin


1. At pH 7.0:

  • HSA (pI = 4.9) and γ-globulin (pI = 6.6) will have a net negative charge and bind to the CM cellulose resin.
  • RNAase (pI = 7.8) and HEL (pI = 11.0) will have a net positive charge and will not bind to the resin.

2. The order of elution will be:

  • HSA will elute first, as it has the lowest pI and the weakest interaction with the resin. γ-globulin will elute next, as it has a higher pI and stronger interaction with the resin. RNAase and HEL will not bind to the resin
  • st pI and the weakest interaction with the resin.
  • γ-globulin will elute next, as it has a higher pI and stronger interaction with the resin.
  • RNAase and HEL will not bind to the resin  and will elute together
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