Environmental Microbiology
Environmental microbiology is the study of the composition and physiology of microbial communities in the environment.
There are completely different kinds of microbial interactions which incorporates interaction with different microbes, Plant-Germ interactio .......
Xerophiles are a group of extremophiles that are capable of surviving in environments with low availability of water or low water activity. .......
Halophiles are a group of extremophiles that require high salt concentrations for their survival and growth. .......
Barophiles are defined as organisms that grow and thrive optimally at pressures greater than atmospheric pressure. .......
Osmophiles are a group of organisms that are adapted to survive in environments with high osmotic pressures like high sugar concentration. .......
Biodegradation is a natural process, whereas Bioremediation is a man-made biotechnological process. .......
Acidophiles are organisms that can survive and thrive at highly acidic conditions (usually at pH 2.0). .......
An extreme environment is a habitat characterized by harsh environmental conditions further than the optimal range for the development of .......
Metallotolearnt microorganisms are the microorganisms that are capable of tolerating and detoxifying high levels of dissolved heavy metals. .......
Bioremediation refers to the use of either naturally occurring or deliberately introduced microorganisms to consume and break down environme .......
Radiophiles are a group of extremophiles that are capable of surviving extreme forms of radiations like ionizing radiant (gamma rays) and UV .......
Endolith is an organism that survives in various inhospitable environments throughout the world, especially inside rocks, animal shells, cor .......
Psychrophiles, literally meaning cold-loving, are organisms adapted to growth at low temperatures, having an optimum growth temperature of g .......