
SDS and NaCl are used in the purification of genomic DNA from peripheral blood samples. Their functions in the process are respectively.

  • (A) salting out of DNA - denaturation of protein.
  • (B) salting out of protein - denaturation of DNA.
  • (C) denaturation of protein - salting out of DNA.
  • (D) denaturation of protein - salting out of protei .


SDS: Denaturation of protein

Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) is used to denature the proteins present in the sample. SDS is a detergent that disrupts the hydrophobic interactions between amino acids in the protein, causing the protein to unfold and lose its native structure. This denaturation helps to remove proteins that might interfere with the purification of DNA.

NaCl: Salting out of proteins

Sodium chloride (NaCl) is used to precipitate the proteins by increasing the ionic strength of the solution. This process is known as salting out. The high concentration of salt ions in the solution disrupts the solubility of proteins, causing them to aggregate and precipitate out of the solution.

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